Lumpia Recipe: How to Make Authentic Filipino Spring Rolls at Home


Lumpia, also known as Filipino spring rolls, are a popular and beloved dish in Filipino cuisine. These crispy and flavorful rolls are typically filled with a mixture of vegetables, meat, and sometimes shrimp. Lumpia can be enjoyed as an appetizer, snack, or even a main course. They are commonly served at gatherings and celebrations, showcasing the rich culinary heritage of the Philippines. The process of making lumpia involves wrapping the filling in thin pastry wrappers before frying them to golden perfection. Join us on a culinary journey as we explore how to recreate this authentic Filipino dish in your own kitchen.

Ingredients required for making Lumpia

When preparing authentic Filipino Lumpia, you will need the following ingredients:

1. Lumpia wrappers - These thin pastry sheets can be found in Asian grocery stores or made from scratch using a mixture of flour, water, and salt.

2. Ground pork or beef - For the filling, choose either ground pork or beef, or a combination of both for added flavor.

3. Shrimp - Peeled, deveined, and chopped shrimp add a delicious seafood element to the filling.

4. Garlic - Freshly minced garlic enhances the savory taste of the filling.

5. Onion - Finely chopped onions provide sweetness and depth of flavor to the dish.

6. Carrots - Julienned carrots add color and a hint of natural sweetness to the filling.

7. Green beans - Sliced green beans contribute crunch and freshness to the Lumpia.

8. Water chestnuts - Diced water chestnuts offer a contrasting texture and subtle nutty flavor to the filling.

9. Soy sauce - This umami-rich condiment adds saltiness and depth of flavor to the filling.

10. Black pepper - A pinch of black pepper provides a warm spiciness that complements the other ingredients.

These ingredients come together to create a flavorful and satisfying filling for your Lumpia rolls.

Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare Lumpia

1. Prepare the filling by sautéing minced garlic and onions in a pan until fragrant.

2. Add ground pork or chicken to the pan and cook until browned.

3. Mix in finely chopped vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, and green beans.

4. Season with soy sauce, salt, pepper, and a touch of sugar for a balanced flavor.

5. Allow the filling to cool before wrapping it in lumpia wrappers.

6. Place a spoonful of the filling onto a lumpia wrapper and fold the sides over the filling.

7. Roll the wrapper tightly, sealing the edge with a bit of water.

8. Heat oil in a pan and fry the lumpia until golden brown and crispy.

9. Drain excess oil on paper towels before serving hot with dipping sauces.

Enjoy your homemade authentic Filipino Lumpia!

Tips and tricks for achieving the perfect Lumpia

To achieve the perfect Lumpia, here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind. Firstly, make sure to finely chop all the ingredients to ensure even cooking and a cohesive filling. Additionally, do not overfill the wrappers as this can lead to them bursting during frying. To prevent the Lumpia from becoming soggy, place them on a wire rack after frying to allow excess oil to drip off. Lastly, for extra crispiness, you can double fry the Lumpia by frying them once, letting them cool, and then frying them again until golden brown.

Serving suggestions and dipping sauces for Lumpia

When it comes to serving Lumpia, there are various options to enhance the dining experience. These crispy spring rolls pair well with a variety of dipping sauces such as sweet chili sauce, garlic vinegar, or banana ketchup. For a refreshing touch, serve them with a side of pickled vegetables like carrots and radishes. To create a complete meal, consider serving Lumpia alongside steamed rice or a fresh green salad. The combination of flavors and textures will surely impress your guests and elevate the overall dining experience.

Variations and creative twists on traditional Lumpia recipes

Variations and creative twists on traditional Lumpia recipes offer a fun way to experiment with flavors. Consider adding a modern twist by incorporating ingredients like shrimp, crab meat, or even tofu for a unique filling. For a healthier option, try using ground turkey or chicken instead of pork. You can also play around with different seasonings such as curry powder, cumin, or chili flakes to give your Lumpia a spicy kick. Another creative idea is to serve mini Lumpia as appetizers at parties or events. The possibilities are endless when it comes to putting your own spin on this classic Filipino dish!

Published: 14. 03. 2024

Category: Recipes

Author: Sophia Mitchell

Tags: lumpia | a type of filipino spring roll